Jennifer Schade LMT, CMLDT

Massage & Manual Lymphatic Drainage Services- MA77888, MM36509

Massage Training & Continuing Education

Training:  Pensacola School of Massage Therapy and Health Careers Graduate. Maintained a 4.0 average and graduated on the President's List.

Previous Orthopedic Surgical Scrub to Dr. Dale Zorn (General Orthopedic), Dr. Christopher Bookout (General Orthopedic), Dr. Barry Callahan (Hand & Microsurgery Upper Extremity Orthopedic) and worked on staff with the world renowned Dr. Andrews at the Andrews Institute. (15 Year Experience)

Continuing Education:  

Orthopedic Massage Neuromuscular Therapy Treatment for Upper & Lower Extremities-Feb.13-16 2015 with Dr. Jeffrey M. Cullers with the National Academy of Medical Massage. 24CEUS

Salt Scrubs & Mud Wraps by Blue Moon Body Treatment Online Training and Certification with Castine Consulting. March 2015-16 CEU

Specialized Cervical Massage-March 5-6, 2016- 12 CEUS

Aston Kinetics for Fascial Integration-Judith Aston-March 8, 2016-1CEU

Assessment and Methods of the Shoulder Girdle- March 9, 2016-Douglas Nelson-1CEU

Cancer and the Human Connection: The Value of Oncology Massage-March 9, 2016-ABMP Instructors-2CEUS

Myofascial Techniques:  Hamstring Issues and Injuries-June 22, 2016-1 CEU-Til Luchau

Enhancing Athletic Performance with Massage-Dec.17, 2016-  ABMP Instructors-Doug Nelson-1 CEU

Myofascial techniques:  Working With Bone-02/04/2017- Til  Luchau- 1 CEU

Fascia and Low-Back Pain: Myofascial Techniques for the Thoracolumbar Fascia-8/21/2017-Til Luchau-1 CEU

Advanced Deep Tissue Muscular Therapy Techniques: Low Back and Neck-02/09/2017-Dr. Ben Benjamin

Demystifying Complex Neck Conditions-10/15/2017- 1CEU- Whitney Lowe

Precision Neuromuscular Therapy 2: Low Back and Thoracic Spine-10/15/17-1 CEU- Til Luchau

Introduction to Esalen Massage-10/29/17-1 CEU-Robin Fann-Costanzo

Active Isolated Stretching-10/29/17-1 CEU-Bruce Baltz

Foot Reflexology 1 &2:  Benefits, Philosophy & the 34 points-Oct.29, 2017-1 CEU-Marc Zollicoffer

Foot Reflexology 3:  Hands-On Techniques-Oct. 29, 2017-1 CEU-Marc Zollicoffer

Massage Cupping and Vacuum Manual Therapy-12/27/2017-1 CEU-Anita Shannon

Myofascial Techniques: Restoring Ankle Mobility & Stability-12/27/2017-1CEU-Til Luchau

Bodywork Techniques for Parkinson’s:12/27/17-CEU-Margie Schaffer

Orthopedic Assessment and Treatment Planning for Low Back Pain-4/22/18-1CEU-Whitney Lowe

Myofascial Techniques:  Sciatica A New Look-5/29/18-1 CEU-Til Luchau

Fibromyalgia:  The Invisible Disease-6/1/18-1 CEU-Ruth Werner

Rising Above the Opioid Crisis:  Massage Therapy and Integrative Pain Management-1 CEU- Diana L. Thompson on 6/6/18

Advance Deep Tissue Muscular Therapy Techniques:  Shoulder and Knee-1.5 CEUS-Ben Benjamin PhD-7/19/18

Orthopedic Massage for Shoulder & Upper Extremity:  12CEUS-Marty Klein-7/22/18 

Shin Splints CE Home-Study Course- 1.5 hr. CEU-Joe Muscalino-1/29/19

A Detailed Approach to Low Back Pain-1 CEU-ABMP-9/4/19

Stretching The Neck-ABMP-1 CEU-9/9/19

Introduction to Hospital-Based Massage Therapy-1.5 CEU-Lauren Kates and Katie Jordan-10/29/19

Active Engagement Techniques-1 CEU-Whitney Lowe-10/30/19

Oncology Massage-4 CEU hrs.-Castine Consulting LLC-1/13/19-June Irving

Certificate of Completion for Structural Front Line Myofascial Release 12 CEUS-Marty Klein-Oct17-18 2020

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Post Surgery Seminar-12 CEUS-Susana Echeverri, LMT, NCBMTB 6/5/2022

Certification for manual lymphatic drainage therapy.

7-15-20 Elisa DiFalco, MS, OT, CMLDT, LMT


Myofascial Techniques and Functional Movement Assessments for Athletes and Active People-16CEUS-Magnus Eklund-10/2/22

Eric Dalton Myofascial Alignment  7/27/24-7/28/24-16 CEUS

Lymphatic Massage-Part 1 Techniques-Craig Knowles-8 CEUS



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Jennifer Schade LMT, CMLDT . All rights reserved.